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Live: Why Western media twist the reality of Xinjiang 新疆扶持就业政策,却被西方媒体误读为强制劳动
Live: Headline Buster - Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's side of the story外媒对新疆真相选择性失明
Live: Talk to the World – Local narratives at the Xinjiang Forum 2020
How media outlets manipulate facts about Xinjiang population
Live: Headline Buster – Why do Western media overlook Macao's success?
Live: Killed or assassinated? How Western media report Soleimani's killing 西方媒体如何点评美伊冲突升级“中东黑天鹅”事件?
拒當幫兇 12家日企喊卡與強制新疆勞動中企交易|寰宇掃描
Live: Headline Buster - Myths of the UK lorry tragedy 外媒为何无凭无据称英国货车39具尸体都为中国人?
Live: Headline Buster – Are media pushing politics over pandemic in Hong Kong election coverage?
Live: Headline Buster - A convenient Christmas tale 一张疑点重重的圣诞贺卡
Live: Headline Buster - 70 years of New China: from poverty to prosperity 外媒如何看待中国扶贫70年
Live: Headline Buster – The missing pieces of BBC's Hong Kong reports 香港风波,BBC如何选择性报道?